

Who am I?

My name is Marcos although I’m best known as h3xduck on the Internet. I am a Computer Science and Engineering graduate, now studying a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity (graduating this year).

On the short term I am planning to pursue a PhD in Cybersecurity abroad (I am still evaluating different programs, please get in contact in case you would like to talk) but until I finish my current studies I am trying to get into the security world by:

What is this page?

The purpose of this page is to write about the things I am doing and in general just talk about whatever topic has me interested at the moment - independently on whether it is security or just CS related. I love learning but I also enjoy sharing knowledge with others, so I may be posting some tutorials here too.

I expect the quality of the posts to grow with time, but if you find that some of the contents on this site are not accurate or you would like to share some feedback with me, please feel free to do it - you are more than welcome.

Where to find me:

Octocat h3xduck on Github

Matrix h3xduck on Matrix

Gmail email on Gmail

Telegram h3xduck on Telegram